Welcome on RBC Hardwood’s website
RBC wood floor offer a huge variety of style with multiple functionnality to enhance and complete any decor. It is natural, elegant, attractive and designed for any specific place. It is also super easy to take care of. The cost of the wood is around the same price of any other high quality flooring, but last a lifetime.

Your hardwood purchase will surely improve the value of your property. This is why buying from an established society who manifactured high-quality product should be primordial in your decision. Together, we are working hard to provide you the best quality for your house while giving you a service that will excede your expectation. Our products are manufactured with the best naturals resources in the North of America.

We are proud to be the official distributor for Rubio Monocoat’s oil. Their product are based on a molecular bond technology in which every naturals ingredient are linked to the superior fiber of the wood. This cutting-edge technology gives us the opportunity to offer ecologic, economic and convivial products. We are also an exclusive distributor for Mirage.

Our hardwood is made by our highly qualified team and also rigorously examined to make sure we always provide the best quality as possible. It is one of the reasons why we are proud to offer you 35 years of warranty.

To start your project in beauty to simply refreshed the look of your house. Send us every detail and we will be more than happy to assist you.
RBC Hardwood
1351-A Principale,
Granby, QC J2J0M3
Phone: 450 770-2877
Fax. : 450 777-7926
Toll free : 1-855 770 2877
Email: bob@planchersrbc.com
Ontario email: james@rbchardwoods.com
Web: www.rbchardwoods.com